la marzocco tours with the gehrig twins on their “coffee trails” espresso journey

8월 29, 2018 in Korea

La Marzocco proudly announces the partnership with the Enduro Series fastest twins, Anita and Caro Gehrig. La Marzocco continues to follow these inspiring women as they compete in the 2018 Enduro Series, a form of mountain bike racing that takes place in rocky locations around the world.

Ambassadors for La Marzocco Home the Gehrig twins unite the challenging world of mountain biking with the world of coffee. Both former baristas, they understand that a good cup of coffee starts from the source, driven by sustainability in mind they are passionate in spreading a message of social and economic equally in coffee production.

La Marzocco partnered with the Gehrig twins in the first series of short films. The first already released, “Exploring Coffee Trails-from bean to cup” takes place in Manizales, Colombia and depicts Anita and Caro riding trails through lush coffee shrubs – experiencing first hand, the cultivation and production of green coffee.

As ambassadors for La Marzocco Home, they bring the culture and grind from their adventures home, using the La Marzocco Linea Mini to extract a superior espresso, sharing the passion they have for coffee and nature with family, friends and fellow athletes.

Join in spreading the word and passion as we continue to follow the Gehrig twins, check out the video and learn more here.

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